Leo Tolstoy Institute of Languages and Cultures

Computer Information System of Scientific Terminology (CISST) is a Terminology Data Bank with unique abilities of a Terminology Knowledge Base. It contains structured information on terminology from different dictionaries, encyclopaedias and reference books in Russian and English and enables its user to view, to correct, to renew and expand available data banks and to create new ones. With the help of CISST the user can conduct subtle and manifold search accor-ding various criteria and their combinations; it enables the user to operate on files (to delete and insert records, to delete data banks, to load new data banks, to substitute one data bank for another one etc.).
Some extra CISST functions, based on term definition analysis, enable the user to get and graphically present concept structure of terminology in the corresponding domain, so that you can see every terminological concept related to the other one nearest to it and lying at its own conceptual level in the hierarchy of concepts, to get and graphically present genus-species and whole-part structure of terminological concepts in the corresponding domain, to analyse knowledge structure and to get diversified lists of terms and term collocations, that denote specific concepts, to deduce some inference.

Demoversion of CISST contains information from the following sources:
1. Robotics. Terms. //Collections of scientific and normative terminology (in Russian);
2. Hydromechanics. Terms. Letterings //Collections of scientific and normative terminology (in Russian);
3. Samburova G.G. Terminologist’s Dictionary: Basic Concepts and Terms in Theory and Practice of Terminology Ordering //Collections of scientific and normative terminology (in Russian);
4. Glossary of heat treatment /Swedish Cen-tre of Technical Terminology. TNC 57E. – Stockholm: TNC, 1974;
5. Personal Communications Terminology /American National Standard for Tele-communications. – N.Y.: ANSI, 1996.
CISST demoversion implements all functions including SEARCH procedures according to the criteria you can choose yourself, but – in order to eliminate possibilities of unauthorised access – it admits no changes of the Data Base.
CISST full version admits any changes. All changes are “reckoned” by the programme as soon as any of the options, dependent on the Data Base, is being implemented – DATA RETRIEVAL, ANALYSIS OF TERMINOLOGY, ANALYSIS OF KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURE, CALCULATING LEVELS OF TERMINLOGICAL CONCEPT STRUCTURE etc.

1. Shelov S.D., Kryukov Yu.I. CST Studies in Terminology Knowledge Representation //TKE^96: Terminology and Knowledge Engineering. - Frankfurt/M: 1996. – S. 55 – 58.
2. Shelov S.D. Towards an Evaluation of the Conceptual Level of a term //Quantitative Linguistics. – 2001. – V.60. Text as Linguistic Paradigm: Levels, Constituents, Constructs: Festschrift in Honour of L. Hřebíček, /Ed. by L.Uhlirova et al. – Trier: WVT, 2001. – P 256 – 265.
3. Shelov S.D. Theory of terminology in the XXI century: New Perspectives //2nd Drezen’s International Conference on Terminology. – Riga, 2002. – P. 41 – 42.
4. Shelov S.D. Terminology meets challenge of information processing: from termi-nology data bank to terminology knowledge base //2nd Drezen’s International Conference on Terminology. – Riga, 2002. – P. 43
5. Shelov S.D. On generic definition of a term: an attempt of linguistic approach to term definition analysis //Terminology Science & Research. – 2003. – V. 14. – P. 52 – 58.
6. Shelov S.D. Terms, Termness and Term Definitions (Seven steps Towards Termino-logical Theory) //Russian Terminology Science (1992 – 2002). – Vienna: Termnet Publisher, 2004. – P. 79 – 110.

1. Shelov S.D. Development of a Terminological Knowledge Base and Analysis of Terminological Conceptual Structure (in Russian) (Шелов С.Д. Построение терминологичес-кой базы знаний и анализ понятийной структуры терминологии //Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2, 1998. – N 5. – C. 1 – 16).
2. Shelov S.D. An Experiment in Terminological Knowledge Base Development at the Committee for Scientific Terminology in Fundamental Research, Russian Academy of Sciences (in Russian) (Шелов С.Д. Опыт построения терминологической базы знаний в КНТ РАН //Диалог''98: Труды международного семинара Диалог''98 по компьютерной лингвистике и ее приложениям: в 2-х т. / Под ред. А.С. Нариньяни. – Казань: ООО “Хэтер", 1998. – Т. 2. – С. 726 – 735).
3. Shelov S.D. On Developing Information System “Scientific Terminology” (from Terminology Data Bank to Terminology Knowledge Base) (in Russian) (Шелов С.Д. О разра-ботке информационной системы “Научная терминология” (от терминологического банка данных к терминологической базе данных) //Обработка текста и когнитивные техноло-гии: Сборник /Под ред. В.Д. Соловьева. – Пущино, 1999. – C. 233 – 244).
4. Shelov S.D. Ordered and Unordered Terminology: Results of Computer Analysis (in Russian) (Шелов С.Д. Упорядоченная и неупорядоченная терминология: результаты ком-пьютерного анализа //Научно-техническая терминология. – 2000. – Вып. 2. – C. 114 – 128).
5. Shelov S.D. Cognitive Terminology and Representation of Scientific Knowledge: the First Computer Results (in Russian) (Шелов С.Д. Когнитивное терминоведение и представ-ление научного знания: первые компьютерные результаты //Научно-техническая термино-логия.– 2002. – Вып. 2. – C. 92 – 94).
6. Shelov S.D. On the Hierarchy in Graph Structures: An Application to Linguistic Prob-lems (in Russian) (Шелов С.Д. Об иерархии в графовых структурах: опыт применения к лингвистическим задачам //Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2. – 2002. – N 2. – С. 1 – 7).
7. Shelov S.D. Terminological Theory and Terminological Lexicography: Interrelation within Terminology Knowledge Base (in Russian) Шелов С.Д. Теория терминоведения и тер-минологическая лексикография: соотношение в терминологической базе знаний //Scripta lingusticae applicatae. Проблемы прикладной лингвистики. Вып. 2. Сборник статей /Отв. ред. Н.В. Васильева. – М., 2004. – С. 20 – 42.
8. Shelov S.D., Kryukov Ju.I. Conceptual Structure of Terminology: an Experiment of Detection and Presentation (Applied to Terminological Dictionaries in Linguistics) (in Russian) Шелов С.Д. Крюков Ю.И. Понятийная структура терминологии: опыт выявления и пред-ставления (на материале терминологических словарей по языкознанию) //Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2. – 2004. – N 5. – С. 1 – 14 .



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